Continuing Education Requirements for August 31, 2025 Renewal

Continuing Education Requirements for August 31, 2025 Renewal

The below statement is taken from the NJ Board of Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm, Locksmith Advisory Committee Board Website:

” Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and Locksmith Advisory Committee
A Licensee will be required to have completed 24 continuing education credits(hours) during the triennial cycle. The 24 hours are required for each license you hold ‐ Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and/or Locksmith, however,
licensees shall not be required to complete continuing education requirements for the triennial registration period in which they initially received a license.
The 24 hours of continuing education must consist of the following mandatory requirements:

a. A minimum of two (2) continuing education credits per triennial registration period in the Barrier Free Subcode, N.J.A.C. 5:23‐7.
b. A minimum of two (2) continuing education credits in the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23, exclusive of the Barrier Free Subcode.
c. A minimum of two (2) continuing education credits in the Americans with Disabilities Act Code, 36 C.F.R. ‘ 1191.
d. A minimum of two (2) continuing education credits in Industrial Safety.
e. A minimum of two (2) continuing education credits in New Jersey law and rules governing the provision of burglar alarm, fire alarm and locksmithing services.
f. A minimum of three (3) credits of continuing education in Smoke Detection Systems.

All licensees shall obtain the balance of continuing education credits in trade‐related/business subjects.

For individuals holding multiple Committee‐issued licenses, the 10 mandatory credits noted above will count towards the requirement of 24 credits for each license held. To illustrate, 24 credits, including the 10 mandatory credits, are required for the first license held.
If a licensee holds a second or third license, then 14 additional trade‐related/business credits are required for each of those licenses.

Thus, in the aggregate, a holder of a single license must earn 24 total CE credits, a holder of two licenses must earn 38 total CE credits, and a holder of three licenses must earn 52 total CE credits during the triennial cycle. Additionally, a licensee who completes more than the minimum continuing education credits set forth above in any triennial registration period may carry no more than eight (8) of the additional credits into a succeeding triennial period.”